Top Attractions | Pawapuri | India
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  • 1 Jalmadir. A marble temple, the Jalmandir, was later built in the middle of the tank, and is now a major pilgrimage spot for Jains.
  • Digambar Jain Mandir. This is a famous Jain Temple for the Digambar followers.
  • Gaon Mandir. For Shewetamber Jain followers, this is the most sacred Jain pilgrimage site. The fact that this temple is made of white and red marble adds to its magnificence. According to Jain devotees, Lord Mahavira delivered his final sermon here and attained nirvana. As a result, it is also referred to as Mahaveer Swami Nirvan Bhumi (Gaon Mandir).
  • Sariputra Parinirwan Stup Area.